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stored condition中文是什么意思

用"stored condition"造句"stored condition"怎么读"stored condition" in a sentence


  • 不肥


  • Study on store conditions of evening primrose oil by orthogonal design
  • Igneous rock distributes extensively , and some layers " storing condition is good , and becomes one of the most important types of reservoir at present
  • The results of the stability testing of azelastine hci 0 . 1 % nasal spray intend to support the shelf life of the product stored at the storing conditions of the climatic zones i to iv
    对0 . 1 %盐酸氮卓斯汀鼻喷雾剂进行稳定性测验的目的是为了证明产品在气候带第i - iv区储藏条件下的货架期
  • Responsible for store daily operation including sales , unknown loss , store condition , cash management , staff team management , public relationship correspond etc
用"stored condition"造句  
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